Image credits: James Eaton/Birdtour Asia

Status of Biodiversity-Related Degree Courses in India.

Olsson, S., Quader, S. and Pradhan, A.
April 19, 2021
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/ Status of Biodiversity-Related Degree Courses in India.

India still has very few researchers trained for biodiversity studies. The result is an inadequacy of trained biodiversity personnel, a deficiency in the number of citizen engagement projects relative to our biodiversity resources, and a lack of widespread awareness and interest about biodiversity and its applications. The objective of the survey was to glean information about the various existing courses in biodiversity-related fields in institutions across the country, and what their needs are. With less than 10 dedicated institutions for biodiversity conservation and management, most institutions are providing biodiversity courses at the postgraduate level (87.7%), while there are some colleges (41.1%) who provide these coursework at the undergraduate level. Read More