Biodiversity Collaborative / Biodiversity Collaborative

Biodiversity Collaborative / Biodiversity Collaborative

Biodiversity Collaborative / Biodiversity Collaborative
The Protected Areas of Madagascar Portal was launched by the India Biodiversity Portal. This project is supported by the Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund (CEPF) in…
02 Dec 2021

Vijay Chandru / BLiSC India
This session was jointly organised by NCBS and IIT-Goa, and hosted by Dr. Sreejith A.V. (IIT-Goa).
Book Release: Guests Who Never Left - Common Invasive Alien Plants of Peninsular India
Biodiversity Collaborative & Nature Conservation Foundation
09 Nov 2023
03 Mar 2021 | Akshay Dinesh, Varnita Mathur, B. R. Ansil, Vijay Chandru, Ravi Chellam, Abi T. Vanak, Uma Ramakrishnan and Prabhakar Rajagopal
Health Heatmap of India is an open data platform built for bringing together data from diverse sources and facilitating visualization, analysis, and insight building…
08 Apr 2021 | Aditya, V., Sumashini P. S, Aravind N. A, Ravikanth G, Chandrashekara K and Uma Shaanker R, 2020. Reconciling biodiversity conservation with agricultural intensification: challenges and opportunities for India. Current Science 118 (12): 1870-1873
The challenges posed by the skyrocketing population to India’s food security, already under strain from land shortages and the agricultural crisis, are enormous. Climate change…
08 Apr 2021 | Aditya, V., Sumashini P. S, Aravind N. A, Ravikanth G, Chandrashekara K and Uma Shaanker R,.
The challenges posed by the skyrocketing population to India’s food security, already under strain from land shortages and the agricultural crisis, are enormous. Climate change…
08 Apr 2021 | Vikram Aditya., Sumashini P. S, Aravind N. A, Ravikanth G, Chandrashekara K, and R. Uma Shaanker
The challenges posed by the skyrocketing population to India’s food security, already under strain from land shortages and the agricultural crisis, are enormous. Climate change…